Patch Notes
January 31st Playtest Patch Notes
Feature Changes:
- UX/UI: Finding other players to play with
- Lobbies are renamed to Parties
- Party UI polished and iterated on, in effort to make it more user friendly.
- Made all starting Parties private, so players do not get “invaded” by well meaning strangers without them having chosen to play with others.
- Added Quick Find Party
- One button for players to find a party member to play with.
- Added Custom descriptions to Party creation
- When creating a new Party (outside of Quick Find) you can set a custom description to facilitate players finding like-minded co-op partners.
- Increased Party timers, so players will experience Party timeouts much rarer.
- UX/UI: Pre-mission Screen
- Updated visuals of Pre-mission screen to better fit current UI
- Disabled map
- It was inherently a little unfair that players with faster loading computers could see where they would spawn, and plan accordingly.
- UX/UI: Vaultbreakers Branding
- Certain Champions have gotten proper Splash art in the Champion Selection screen. Expect more!
- Vaultbreakers Art and Logo added to certain UI screens and Loading. Project F4E should exist no longer!
- UX/UI: Onboarding and progression iteration
- Added tutorial pop-up triggers for challenge unlocks, perks, unstable areas, item equipping, first wearable item, new artifacts available.
- Tutorial pop-up UI elements now stand out more.
- Emotes and Legacy now exist in a sub menu under “Collection”, to make the Top bar less cluttered.
- Removed "play" tab in Top bar, also to lessen clutter and cut redundancy.
- UX/UI: Minimap
- Minimap visual polish (colors, ooh!).
- Made Extract icons on the minimap more visible when not ready.
- UX/UI: Misc.
- Blocked Camera Panning Movement when UI panels are up.
- Allowed rebinding of the middle mouse button.
- Added an FPS limit setting to the Settings menu.
- General text string improvements.
- Loadout slot icons made to fit with slot names better.
- Fully updated lobby visuals and audio to put the Dragonvault story front and centre.
- Added icons to NPC names.
- Wolfswood:
- Giant mushroom area layout changes
- “Fields” is no longer a tier 2 area.
- Adjusted animation and attacks of the Vine Slappers in Wolfswood.
- Added interactable portals inside tier 2 and tier 3 areas that spawns Dragonvault chests when they are opened. The chests are guaranteed to contain rare items.
- Unique announcements for each tiered area opening.
- New soundtrack on the server select screen that carries over into the chr select.
- Make Chest in Hub interactable to open Storage with “F”.
- New locked/unlocked gate icons for minimap.
- Added co-op extraction timers to the final extraction portal.
New Enemy
- Added Transforming Bandit enemy
Tweaks and polish
- Potions have added a minimum cast before they can be cancelled.
- Potions have a cast time of 2 sec.
- Added ~9% movement speed as a base stat on all boots. More boots at vendors. Boots earlier in crafting.
- Added screen shake when a player gets hit.
- Screen shake added to several enemy abilities.
- Added hit sound on all enemies when they’re hit. Grunts, roars etc.
- Added voice lines or grunts, on some humanoid enemy attacks, like bandits.
- Increase blood splatter on death sounds.
- Ice block explosion and earthquake hit VFX added.
- Hearthguard animation polish.
- Abilities should be able to be cast even when aiming basic attack.
- More forgiving balance for Vine Slappers and Bandits.
- VFX polish on the bandits.
- Add hit jerk reaction to Sneeky Shoota and Stone Bear.
- Polished the Enraged Golem VFX and the fire on its 3D model.
- Polished VFX for Werewolf Mage.
- New VFX for Scrat Netter.
- Bahra cooldown reductions.
- Bahra audio improvements.
- Enemy hits on player characters sound more impactful.
- Rock Muncher audio improvements.
- Nymera character model tweaks.
- New 3D added for different Mining Ores.
- Several tooltip tweaks.
- Improved user name obscenity filter.
- Widespread performance, stability and load time improvements.
- Steam Game Recording Implementation.
- Matchmaking “max waiting time” reduced from 180 to 60 seconds.
- Several economy changes to make the early game progression more rewarding and mid-game unlocks require more gold.
- Rotating camera improvements.
- Middle mouse button used to rotate.
- Turned 'OFF' by default in settings.
- Increase gold value stack from 100 to 250.
- Increase number of Ore drops from the ore nodes.
- Audio improvements across the whole game.
- Animation improvements across the whole game.
- VFX improvements across the whole game.
- Reduced availability of high rarity items in the vendors.
- Increase the cost of Rune of Breaking to 4 Ironwood and 4 Iron.
- Death Circle timing tweaks to delay the start.
- Clearer feedback when entering tall grass.
Character Balance Changes
Dev note: A lot of tweaks to make the game feel faster and more responsive. As well as some buff for melee characters to be better at catching ranged characters with these new speeds.
Dev note: Faster and some more options to catch runners.
- Basic attack cast time 0.28 to 0.24
- Basic attack winddown 0.07 to 0.06
- Basic attack charge time faster (less standing still)
- Time before charging 0.05 to 0.04
- Time to reach max 0.5 to 0.4
- Basic attack distance 2.5 range to 3
- Basic attack damage up 50-100 to 75-125
- Wild Swing charge range 7 to 8.5
- Wild Swing hold self slow 0.6 to 0.8 of move speed
- Wild Swing slow from 80% to 70% and duration from 2 to 3 sec
- Basic attack cast time faster from 0.27 to 0.2
- Fix double Zap Bang damage bug
Dev note: A kit that offer satisfying gameplay with a degree of mastery. Easy to understand core but with a lot of depth, but also some counter play for opponents.
- NEW abilities
- Basic attack cast times from 0.27 to 0.2
- Basic attack range to 8 to 7
Dev note: The added range and damage to the basic attack, should make it less scary to be in melee range.
- Basic attack cast time 0.27 to 0.24
- Basic attack distance 2.5 range to 3
- Basic attack casting time faster from 0.3 to 0.27
- Basic attack winddown faster 0.07 to 0.04
- Base Attack Damage stat up from 59 to 72
Dev note: Shifting some damage from Verdant Shot to Marks. Also making the game feel more responsive by removing the slow on Soaring Strike that many people dislike.
- Basic attack cast time from 0.27 to 0.22
- Basic attack range to 8 to 7.5
- Moth Mark base bonus damage 5 to 10
- Verdant shot slow duration 3 to 2 sec
- Verdant shot max damage scaling 500 to 450
- Emerald Barrage range to 9.5 to 7.5
- Soaring Strike slow removed (both self slow and target slow)
Bug Fixes
Quest Issues:
- Fixes for multiple quest rewards, objective descriptions, or missing completion triggers.
- Fixes to quest objectives tracking and immediate updates.
Skill Issues:
- Fixes to several skill tooltips had incorrect or misleading descriptions.
- Certain skills had unintended effects, such as dealing damage twice or applying excessive shields.
- Visual effects (VFX) for some skills did not display correctly or were delayed.
Crash and Stability Fixes:
- Resolved crashes occurring when loading matches or interacting with certain in-game items.
- Fixed a bug causing login failures due to crashes.
- Addressed stability issues related to game balance and item interactions.
Text and Localization Fixes:
- Grammar and spelling errors corrected in multiple tooltips, descriptions, and in-game text.
- Some UI text was overlapping, truncated, or displayed placeholder text.
- Inconsistent naming and formatting of various abilities, perks, and locations were standardized.
User Interface Fixes:
- Improved map tooltips and minimap interactions.
- Resolved UI elements remaining on screen after closing certain menus.
- Fixed navigation and menu inconsistencies, especially when using a gamepad.
Animation Issues:
- Several animations were cut off, out of sync, or abruptly ended when moving and attacking.
- Certain enemies had incorrect or missing attack animations.
- Extraction portal animations were mismatched with their corresponding sounds.
Audio Issues:
- Missing or incorrect audio cues for consumables, portals, and interactions.
- Sound effects not playing or getting cut off unexpectedly.
- Adjusted volume inconsistencies when zooming in and out.
Rewards and Loot Fixes:
- Some quests and loot systems were giving incorrect or unintended rewards.
- Claiming drop rewards sometimes triggered an error message on new accounts.
- Crafting and reward progression were adjusted to match intended mechanics.
Other Fixes:
- Multiple material and texture issues, such as missing or misplaced objects.
- Various in-game objects, such as extraction portals and map elements, were misaligned or had incorrect interactions.
- Addressed desynchronization issues in multiplayer matches.